Тест по теме «Past Tenses»

Тестирование – это мощный инструмент для оценки усвоения материала. Оно не только помогает выявить пробелы в знаниях, но и дает возможность скорректировать процесс обучения, повысив его результативность. Мы приготовили для вас тест, который поможет проверить уровень ваших знаний по теме. Проходя его, вы сможете оценить свою подготовку на данном этапе обучения.

Приглашаем вас пройти тест "Past Tenses" и убедиться в своих знаниях. Это отличная возможность оценить свой текущий уровень подготовки и подготовиться к дальнейшему обучению.

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1 He was taken to the police station because he ______ into a car in front of him.

2 The Browns _________ in a large house when their children were at home, but they moved to a small three-room apartment after the children grew up and left home.

3 I handed Betsy today`s newspaper, but she didn`t want it. She __________ it during her lunch.

4 The trouble started when Mrs. Leslie Cady ___________ control of her car on a narrow mountain road.

5 In 1912 the Titanic _________ an iceberg on its first trip across the Atlantic, and it sank four hours later.

6 We _____ TV for ten minutes when the electricity went off.

7 He didn`t see me as he was reading when I _______ into the room.

8 When I was young, I ________ that people over forty were very old. Now that I am forty myself I don`t think so.

9 The two boys came into the house. One had a black eye and the other a cut lip. They _________ .

10 Before Adam got married, he __________ hiking to the mountains every summer. Now he goes to the seaside with his wife.

11 I found the way to her house quite easily because Nora _____ it to me very well.

12 While I _________ the dishes last night, I dropped a plate and broke it.

13 Sam says he didn`t enjoy the program because the TV set ________ properly.

14 I didn`t see Linda last month because she _________around Europe at that time.

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