Тест по теме «Music Stiles»

Тестирование – это мощный инструмент для оценки усвоения материала. Оно не только помогает выявить пробелы в знаниях, но и дает возможность скорректировать процесс обучения, повысив его результативность. Мы приготовили для вас тест, который поможет проверить уровень ваших знаний по теме. Проходя его, вы сможете оценить свою подготовку на данном этапе обучения.

Приглашаем вас пройти тест "Music Stiles" и убедиться в своих знаниях. Это отличная возможность оценить свой текущий уровень подготовки и подготовиться к дальнейшему обучению.

Расскажи друзьям
1 Put the words in the box into the correct columns. Then add more words of your own to each column. People

2 One of the most popular hits by the Beatles is

3 The main members of the Beatles were:

4 Put the words in the box into the correct columns. Then add more words of your own to each column. Instruments

5 is a music genre that originated in Jamaica in the late 1960s. While sometimes used in a broad sense to refer to most types of popular Jamaican dance music

6 History of *** begins of rock and roll, blues and jazz. *** begins in second half of the 20th century. In ***** main instruments are: guitars, drums and keyboards.

7 The real Ringo Starr`s name is: a) b) c).

8 This group parted in

9 is considered the opposite of rock music. *** differs from rock. In ***** dominates the soft sound and the simplicity and melodic. *** is focused on the mass customer.

10 The Beatles played

11 Put the words in the box into the correct columns. Then add more words of your own to each column. Types of music

12 First they performed together in:

13 They were awarded by

14 is a genre of popular music that originated and evolved in the United States during the late 1940s and early 1950s, from a combination of African-American genres such as blues, boogie woogie, jump blues, jazz, and gospel music, together with Western swing and country music

15 is a music genre consisting of a stylized rhythmic music that commonly accompanies rapping, a rhythmic and rhyming speech that is chanted

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