Тест по теме «Good Test»

Тестирование – это мощный инструмент для оценки усвоения материала. Оно не только помогает выявить пробелы в знаниях, но и дает возможность скорректировать процесс обучения, повысив его результативность. Мы приготовили для вас тест, который поможет проверить уровень ваших знаний по теме. Проходя его, вы сможете оценить свою подготовку на данном этапе обучения.

Приглашаем вас пройти тест "Good Test" и убедиться в своих знаниях. Это отличная возможность оценить свой текущий уровень подготовки и подготовиться к дальнейшему обучению.

Расскажи друзьям
1 I can`t watch TV with you ... in front of it!

2 What do you think you ... at this time next weekend?

3 If I ... her address, I`d write to her.

4 What time do you think ... go home?

5 - What did he say? - I don`t know. I ....

6 I`m going to the cinema tonight. The film ... at 7.30.

7 You`ve got ....

8 - I`m going to the party tonight. - Who ...?

9 It isn`t very warm today. It was much ... yesterday.

10 I can`t imagine where to get the money. I need ... badly.

11 I don`t like coffee and my husband doesn`t like it ....

12 - Are you learning English? - Yes, I ... it since July.

13 She speaks ... English.

14 We were late, so by the time we got there, the meeting ....

15 Don`t worry! When Peter ..., I`ll call you.

16 here speaks English.

17 I can`t understand why ... this mistake again.

18 A few months ago I met a good friend of ....

19 Where ...?

20 They told me that Ann ... in London.

21 Oh, look! ... is something under the table.

22 - Why are you running? - There isn`t ... time left.

23 It looks a bit like New York, ...?

24 Lots of different languages ... in India.

25 - This is my father`s car. - Really? Does he let ... it?

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