Тест по теме «Вопросы по страноведению»

Тестирование – это мощный инструмент для оценки усвоения материала. Оно не только помогает выявить пробелы в знаниях, но и дает возможность скорректировать процесс обучения, повысив его результативность. Мы приготовили для вас тест, который поможет проверить уровень ваших знаний по теме. Проходя его, вы сможете оценить свою подготовку на данном этапе обучения.

Приглашаем вас пройти тест "Вопросы по страноведению" и убедиться в своих знаниях. Это отличная возможность оценить свой текущий уровень подготовки и подготовиться к дальнейшему обучению.

Расскажи друзьям
1 The national holiday which takes place each year on the official birthday of Queen Elizabeth II marked by a military parade and march-past is called ________

2 The largest state of the USA is ________

3 The reign of the Queen _______ is known as the Golden Age in English History

4 The United Kingdom of GB and Northern Ireland consist of _________

5 Bill Gates is a founder of _________

6 The Queen eldest son`s name is _______

7 The Main lakes in USA are the _________ in the north

8 Canada is situated in ___________

9 The Queen who ruled for the longest period of British history was _____

10 French is an official language in _________

11 The official residence of the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is __________

12 US _______ has its headquarters in the Capitol Building

13 The original name of Wahington was __________

14 The official head of state in Canada is the __________

15 The US flag is called ___________

16 The oldest university of Britain is __________

17 The capital of the USA was built on _______

18 Fast food was originated ________

19 The US is a ________ consisting of 50 states

20 __________ is a commercial part of London.

21 What is the name of the author of the Harry Potter?

22 ____ is a very large Gothic church in central London. It`s a traditional place of coronation and burial site for English Monarchs

23 Stadford-on-Avon is the birthplace of Great English poet and writer ________

24 The Royal family lives in _______

25 The USA consists of 50 ______

26 _______ is regarded by many people as America`s greatest president as he freed slaves and united the country

27 Most of the Canadian population is of _______ origin

28 Madam Tussaad sis ___________ in London

29 _______ is not situated in Canada

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