Тест по теме «Входное тестирование для а по английскому языку»

Тестирование – это мощный инструмент для оценки усвоения материала. Оно не только помогает выявить пробелы в знаниях, но и дает возможность скорректировать процесс обучения, повысив его результативность. Мы приготовили для вас тест, который поможет проверить уровень ваших знаний по теме. Проходя его, вы сможете оценить свою подготовку на данном этапе обучения.

Приглашаем вас пройти тест "Входное тестирование для а по английскому языку" и убедиться в своих знаниях. Это отличная возможность оценить свой текущий уровень подготовки и подготовиться к дальнейшему обучению.

Расскажи друзьям
1 Ben....... going to bed late, so he always feels sleepy at around 11:00 pm.

2 Do you like the salad? It’s made ....... fresh vegetables from our garden.

3 Can you repeat what you said ......., please?

4 She has a tough deadline to meet, so she’s been working ....... for the last few days.

5 My Granny usually has a small ....... of chocolate after lunch.

6 Are you sure you feel ....... to come on the picnic with us?

7 Ann isn’t here, she ....... at her friend’s house tonight.

8 Can you ....... some cheese for the spaghetti, please?

9 Of course you can trust Pete! He’s one of the most ....... people I know.

10 George ....... abroad before, so he was very excited about his trip to Spain.

11 Did Bob himself tell you that he got a pay rise, or did you hear it on the .......?

12 Don’t worry; everyone came in late today, so we’re all in the same ....... .

13 Celia ....... about her work; it’s so annoying to hear the same things every day!

14 Although Ron has a very ....... nose, he’s actually quite handsome.

15 Mark really needs to speak to you. He ....... you every five minutes for the last two hours!

16 The hotel was nearly buried in snow when a(n) ....... hit the small skiing resort.

17 Are you sure this is ....... leather? It doesn’t look like it.

18 I usually like eating out, but tonight I’d like ....... at home.

19 Harry’s much better at tennis than me; I can never ....... him.

20 Lisa asked her brother ....... her computer without asking her first. A don`t use B not to use C to not use

21 Why go shopping in the city centre when I can find everything I need at my ....... market?

22 When we were in Paris, we went on a guided ....... of the city.

23 Can you please get ready? There’s ....... time before our guests arrive.

24 I ....... that you can be so insensitive at a time like this!

25 Maths ....... my favourite subject when I was at school.

26 Hannah ....... Mia that she couldn’t go to her birthday party.

27 I think your ....... shirt will go perfectly with your new jeans.

28 After the huge earthquake, the small village was left ....... ruins.

29 I use your pen, please?

30 You don`t need a ....... to get on the Internet.

31 The meat is OK, but the rice is a little ....... .

32 My sister thinks that baggy trousers look ....... ridiculous, so she never wears them.

33 Be careful! You ....... into that car!

34 You ....... get a taxi to the airport. I’ll give you a lift, if you want.

35 This library....... in the 1980s

36 David ....... the bank, but he won`t be long. Would you like to wait for him?

37 Cynthia pays 30 euros ....... hour for guitar lessons.

38 Pam`s father works as an air traffic ....... at the airport.

39 you hurry up and get ready, we’ll be really late.

40 You need to be less ....... and realise that there is a positive side to everything.

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