Онлайн-тесты по предмету Английский язык

На данной странице находятся тесты по предмету «Английский язык». Они разработаны для проверки и улучшения ваших знаний в данной области. Независимо от вашего уровня подготовки, тест поможет оценить ваши знания.

Приготовьтесь проверить свои знания, насколько хорошо вы ориентируетесь в предмете.

His name ___ Peter. He ___ not from Turkey. _____ eat salad and pizza. That is _____ desk. пройти тест

I suddenly remembered that I forgot I ... my keys. While Diana ... her favourite television programme, there was a power cut. Who ... the car at the time of the accident. By the time Sheila got back, Chris ... . пройти тест

His new book ______ (to finish) next year. Nick ________ (to send) to Moscow next week. This work ______ (to do) tomorrow. Bread _______ (to eat) every day. пройти тест

Bread _______ (to eat) every day. The letter ______ (to receive) yesterday. Nick ________ (to send) to Moscow next week. I _____ (to ask) at the lesson yesterday. пройти тест

What is the longest river in the world. Where is Bolivia. Where is Ethiopia. Of which country is Manila the capital. пройти тест

The small cupboard or shelf in front of the passenger seat of a car. You hold it and turn to control the direction of a car. A thing in a car that you will need if the car crashes, to protect the driver and passengers. The part of a door or window that you use for opening it. пройти тест

The Maya thrived for nearly 2,000 years. Without the use of the cartwheel or metal tools, a)_____________________________. They were accomplished scientists. They also formulated a unique calendar with b)_________________as well as predict eclipses and other celestial events with great precision. The Maya sought to understand the repetitive cycles of motions of the moon and planets, and thus to be able c)___________ on the sky in the future. They invented a sophisticated number system, developed their own mathematics, using a base number of 20, and had a concept of zero. Mayan society was vibrant, d) _________________. пройти тест

"If you _______ that plate, you`ll burn your fingers." - "Why. Has it been in the oven." "If you watch the news, you ______ a lot." - "I know. I watch it every day" "Shall I invite John to the party. " - "Well, were I you, I _______ him." "Could I see the menu, please." - "Yes, sir. If you ______ a seat, I will fetch it for you." пройти тест

_____ milk in the bottle. My mother ________ me to buy some bread from the shop. Have you _____ been to Paris. Tamara didn`t meet ________ friends in the street. пройти тест

The head of state in the UK is the... The Congress of the USA consists of the ... The Head of state of Russia is the ... The House of Lords in the UK ... пройти тест

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This magican can easily make the rabbit go ... Alex did not want to go ... the details of his break-up with Mary Do not be shy! If you have something to ask, just go ... My sister went ... watching a soap opera after a break пройти тест

Jan’s thinking of travelling around the world after ..... from university. Jim’s hopes for a promotion were ..... when the position was given to someone else. Jo was expelled from school for cheating ..... an exam. He graduated ..... university with a degree in Physics. пройти тест

1. Mr. Smith: That sounds great. I`d like to pay for this room in .......... Can I give you my credit card number now. . Hotel Clerk: I will also need your ......... address and phone number. Mr. Smith: Sure, no problem. But, I do have one more question. Do you have a pool and sauna .......... Mr. Smith: That`s great. What time does the pool area ......... in the mornings. I like to swim early. пройти тест

5. Вставьте, если нужно артикль а . What ____ wonderful advice! 6. Вставьте, если нужно артикль а . What ___ brilliant actor! 7. Выберите правильный вариант из предложенных. He gave me ____ . 8. Выберите правильный вариант из предложенных. I noticed white ____ on her jacket. пройти тест

1.Выберите существительное неисчисляемое. Phisics, details, glasses, things 2.Выберите существительное, которое не подходит к данному ряду слов. money, life, butter, subject 3.Выберите существительное, которое не подходит к данному ряду слов. people, coffee, gates, clothes 4.Вставьте в пропуск is или are. No news ____ good news. пройти тест

1.Выберите правильный ответ из предложенных. I want you ____ that you are in trouble. 2.Выберите правильный вариант ответа. The boy watched his mother ____ his favourite pie. 3.Выберите правильный вариант ответа. The old lady felt the door ____ behind her. 4. Выберите правильный вариант ответа. The policeman saw a strange man ____ the street and followed him. пройти тест

She is fond of children. She will ___________ a perfect mother one day. They spent most of the last year__________ up their kitchen. There`s no electricity at the moment so we`ll have to ___________without it . It really ___________ my day when he gave me those flowers. пройти тест

The cat _______ by my granny now The girl _________ the report the whole evening yesterday The doctor ___________ the patient at this moment The roof ____________ bymy father now/ пройти тест