Онлайн-тесты по предмету Английский язык

На данной странице находятся тесты по предмету «Английский язык». Они разработаны для проверки и улучшения ваших знаний в данной области. Независимо от вашего уровня подготовки, тест поможет оценить ваши знания.

Приготовьтесь проверить свои знания, насколько хорошо вы ориентируетесь в предмете.

Have you ever visited other countries. - Yes, I... to Italy and France. I feel really tired. We ... to the party last night and have just returned home. At the beginning of the film I realized that I ... it before. When the bus stopped in the small square, Helen ... her magazine and didn`t realized at first that she had arrived at her destination пройти тест

___________ I late. Sailors ___________ the upper deck Do you ___________ lemon in your tea. He ___________ the text yesterday пройти тест

I like to go skiing ______ winter. The plane is due to arrive _______ 19.25. Mary doesn`t work _____ Sundays. The leaves on the trees turn brown ______ Autumn. пройти тест

I didn`t see Linda last month because she _________around Europe at that time. While I _________ the dishes last night, I dropped a plate and broke it. When I was young, I ________ that people over forty were very old. Now that I am forty myself I don`t think so. Sam says he didn`t enjoy the program because the TV set ________ properly. пройти тест

It is important sometimes to stop and look around you at all the wonderful things ______. It is _____ book that I have ever read. I want to go to the cinema to see a film about ______ and the French. Can anyone give me _______ please because I have just fallen over. пройти тест

Everybody___by the terrible news yesterday. Mr. Green___at the University since 1989. Our plan___by the members of the committee. A prize___to whoever solves this equation. пройти тест

I _______________ her since morning. 2 - They ______________ a few minutes ago. The film______________ yet. Steve ______________________ the project last night. пройти тест

I’d like to come shopping with you, but I .......... finish my school project. Tom’s been away on holiday for over a month. You .......... have seen him. The weather ............. for tomorrow is predicting heavy rain. Smoking has a very negative................on her ability to concentrate. пройти тест

You ... raise your hand and wait before you ask a question. Steven wants to go out with his friends but his mum said he ... go until he has finished his homework. In Britain, all teens ... stay in school until they are sixteen years of ages. In the old days, teachers ... hit students with a ruler if they misbehaved in class. пройти тест

Some tips your Internet to be safe are... Rolling down a steep hill strapped inside a ball which can reach speeds of upto 50 to 60kmph if the hill is steep enough. What flowers are symbols in Great Britain. Which flower is a symbol of Iskuzhina Gulsasak`s family . пройти тест

Tom____play tennis well but he ____play it yesterday because he was ill. You ... take an umbrella today. The weather is fine. Well, it`s 10 o`clock. I ... go now. Drivers .. stop when the light is red. пройти тест

My friend doesn`t like ___________ tomatoes because he hates vinegar and spice. ___________ food like burgers and chips is very popular with teenagers but it`s harmful for their health. Most people don`t eat meat or fish because they are ______________. My mother often cooks _____________ eggs for our breakfast. пройти тест

Translate sentences [Перекласти речення]: I see the prospect of life and stick around in Ukraine. Translate sentences [Перекласти речення]: In 2004, Kuchma announced that he would not run for re-election. In what sentence is the particle written by. [В якому реченні пишеться частка by.] Translate: Dark grey, Brown, Golden. пройти тест

The UK is ... The head of the state is ... The head of the government is ... How many Houses are there in Parliament. пройти тест

Hearing a loud noise, we were afraid to move. The driver was seriously injured during the accident and is now fighting for his life. She ruined her sight by playing computer games. They saw a boy in the park standing on his head. пройти тест

He has never mentioned ...... in Italy before. When did he live there. Do you mind ..... me this book. She didn`t have any money. She couldn`t afford .... bread. He agreed ..... a helping hand. I`m really grateful for that. пройти тест

Cameras ........... in this museum. We ......... camera very often during our trips. The book ...... into 15 languages. The Mayor ....... the new art gallery on Sunday. пройти тест

You can see the column with a statue of Nelson in… Famous birds outside the Tower of London are the … The London home of the Queen is … The seat of the British Government is …. пройти тест

He is not happy. - Она тоже. He cannot play the piano. - Его жена тоже. He hasn`t heared me. - Она тоже меня не услышала. I don`t eat meat. - Я тоже. пройти тест

Bridget and Annie Hector and Bridget Nick and Hector Bridget gets a ________ from Argentina. пройти тест